THERAPY? - "The Orgy Of Turkey And Tinsel That Is Xmas"

December 24, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news therapy

Ireland's THERAPY? has issued the following update:

Just one last missive of 2007 before we all get stuck into the orgy of turkey and tinsel that is Xmas. Looking back at the year, it has to be said to an outsider that it may have seemed a quiet year for Therapy? but our perception of 2007 is one of a very productive year. Release-wise we had the web gig and the BBC Sessions download/CD to keep the rock ticking over and we did some killer shows from to Toronto to Moscow with a few cool stops in-between (Indian Ocean anyone).

If we didn't play in your locale in 2007 it ain't cause we don't love ya but due to some reasons both intentional and practical. The intentional side of things was to keep out of a few areas we'd played a lot over the past five years, a way to give your ears and wallets a rest if you will (rest assured we'll be back as soon as the new album is done). The upshot of this was that we managed to get out to some places we'd neglected in the past and even dip our toes into some brand new territories.

We also wanted to allow a prolonged period to write new songs (still ongoing) and wanted to prioritize that aspect of the band. At this stage it would be easy to bang out a reasonable album and hit the road again but I think you all know that isn't our style. So, we shan't be anywhere near a studio until we're confident the songs are as good as they should be. Be patient and we'll be back... brighter, bigger and better.

The practical side of things means that we've been sorting out some essential 'business stuff'. After a period of negotiation we've just signed a new recording contract with a new label (more info in a bit) which is great news and means there are exciting times ahead for the band and our music. We don't want to jinx anything but we think there will be lots of good news in 2008 regarding the release of album number 12 and with that will come plenty of touring, etc.

Ok, a mega thanks to our loyal management/crew for enduring many late-nites, early check-ins, rants, delayed flights, volcanic activities, facial burns and random organisation this year... wives, girlfriends and family for patience, love and support... Rene and Sarah, above the call of duty for hours and support and advice... thank you all so much... extra special thanks to all our friends across the world and our humblest respect to all of you who support our band and enjoy our music... See you in 2008 you muddyfunsters!

Andy/Neil/Michael TPY? 2007

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