TODD KERNS - Ramblings Of The Mentally Ill Volume 667

September 23, 2010, 14 years ago

news todd kerns rock hard

SLASH's touring bassist TODD KERNS (who also fronts SIN CITY SINNERS) has issued the following blog:

"The Saga Of The Eye - Episode IV: A New Hope (I really haven’t been keeping track of the episode #s so don’t bother correcting me. These are the ramblings of the mentally ill, after all).

I forgot to update the most recent installment of the drama inside my right eye. Easy to forget as it has most recently been a case of out of sight out of mind. Pun intended. Just to catch up:

European tour

Detached retina


Retinal reattachment surgery

5 weeks of agonizing boredom

US/Canada tour with nitrogen bubble in right eye

When I walked onstage in Atlantic City my little friend, the Nitrogen bubble that had worked so hard to reattach my retina, was still floating there in my right eye. 2 months later! He was smaller than ever but he was very much present.

In the middle of Slash’s solo during the Godfather theme I lost track of my place in the song as I noticed my Nitrogen friend was nowhere to be found…

As it stands he has been gone for 5 days or so. Jus like that. As if he was never there. I don’t want to speak too soon but it would seem to me that that, as they say, is that. Survival list:

Heartbreak - check

Major label record industry collapse - check

Arrested Development’s baffling cancellation (in many ways this was the hardest to survive) - check

Retinal detachment - uh hell yea CHECK!!!

Bring it on, Universe! Do your best - I can take your worst! If I can survive this I can survive anything. What didn’t kill me… Whoa…

For the record, Universe, I’m just kidding. I’ve had enough for a while. I could use the break. You win! Note to self - do not taunt the Universe. It’s always listening…

So there you have it. Good as… almost new. Not quite ready for the next challenge but aware that anything can happen anytime… I don’t plan to live in fear. If anything it has given me a new lease. You start to understand old timer’s sayings like, ‘it’s a good day if it ain’t raining.’ I know exactly what that means.

Rock And Roll All Night And Part Of Every Day Ah, what the hell- ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT AND PARTY EVERY DAY!!!

Your loyal and humble servant,

Todd Dammit"

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