TORTURE DIVISION - "Today The Recording Starts"

July 22, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news torture division

Swedish death metallers TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have issued the following update:

"Yes, Tobben will today start (and most likely finish) the recording of his drums for our next demo, the first of three in the second trilogy. Three songs will be put down and here are the song titles and the actual demo title: 'Heretics! Now!', 'Eld Och Plågor', 'Traumatic Inhuman Severance'.

We don’t know in what order the tunes will be on the finalized product just yet, but that’s not of much importance. Also, the demo will be called Evighetens Dårar.

Tobben will once again record his drums with Mats of Senseless Recordings. K will put down the guitars using his beloved Ibanez Xiphoses in his home studio The Dungeon and J will once again work with Jonas Åhlén in A.R.T. Studios for bass and vocals.

Dan Swanö will, as always, take care of the mixing and everything as soon as he’s been handed the files.

We are completely jacked up to get this demo done as it’s been a while now since we released our latest recording, the tremendous Christmas single 'Suffer The Shitmass'.

Stay tuned for studio updates as we go along and prepare for another slab of the world’s best death metal."

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