TURISAS' Warlord On Performing LIve - "You Have To Work With Each Culture In A Different Way..."

November 7, 2008, 15 years ago

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Hall Of Metal has issued a new interview with Warlord, from Finnish folk metal warriors TURISAS. The following is an excerpt from the chat:

Q: Ok, we wanted to get in touch with you because, apart of many other things that we will discuss later, talk about A Finnish Summer With Turisas, which will be available from early November, the first DVD from Turisas ever. First of all, we see that inside we will find a 1 hour documentary with unreleased stuff from you, behind-the-scenes and so on but, what won’t see there? There must be tons of material that you aren’t going to release, maybe because of legal issues (ha ha). What kind of things did you have to cut and what were the reasons?

A: "Hah, legal issues indeed! Of course there was all sorts of stuff caught on film that would probably earn a “explicit content” sticker to the cover... Anyway, we wanted to keep the DVD kind of accessible, so maybe we just release some kind of “lost files” edition at some point. Nah, on a serious note, there was obviously a lot of interview stuff and concert material left out at the editing phase – material that just didn't fit in or didn't build the big picture well enough. Exploring the back alleys of Helsinki, experiments with booze, nature trips, fooling around on festivals, that sort of stuff. Now the DVD is very concise – not too long, not too short, and there's enough variety. I'm pretty satisfied."

Q: Also, 80 minutes of live footage taken from many shows you did the last summer there in your country where, as we can see, you’re kind of Gods or something… What’s the main difference from the point of view of Warlord between the finnish audience and other audiences?

A: "There is obviously a quite different bond between us and our Finnish audience than with, say, mainland Europe, you know? It's a question of language, sharing a similar cultural background and so on. However, the Finnish audience can be more reserved than a Spanish one, for example, so you have to work with each culture in a different way. Of course on Finnish festivals the crowd is generally in a pretty happy mood, meaning that they're drunk as fuck, which always helps! Unless you're playing in the middle of night... but we normally have had out methods to keep them going even then!"

Read the full interview at Hall Of Metal.

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