TWISTED SISTER Guitarist Eddie Ojeda - "People Have Started To Realize That We're A Much Heavier Band Than They Thought We Were"

June 17, 2011, 13 years ago

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Uber Rock's Dom Daley has issued a new interview with TWISTED SISTER guitarist Eddie Ojeda. An excerpt follows:

Q: What do you think it is about Twisted Sister that keeps the band relevant in 2011 and keeps getting you good slots on such big festivals?

A: "It's just one of those things and we're glad it's still happening. It's kinda hard to explain because you never really know why and all of a sudden people just seemed to get it more than they ever did or they're just getting it. Whatever the reason were definitely grateful to get that recognition for what it is we do but I also think that what we do is all so unique and different than what every other band does. It kinda creates that interest and people want to hear us because we are different and we're not really similar to other bands and what they do. We have something that's unique and it's still something people want to see and there are a load of people who never got the chance to see us back in the day."

Q: Do you think it's more to do with the music now? Back in the Eighties the image of Twisted Sister tended to take over from the music and, especially speaking from a UK perspective, it was always about Dee's rants or the way you guys dressed more than the music you played.

A: "Exactly yeah, I think it's more to do with the music now. People have started to realise that we're a much heavier band than they thought we were. Maybe due to the make up and stuff we were thrown into a category and people didn't realise we could play and we were hard as nails. I don't think it was quite as obvious. Maybe the internet has something to do with it because of YouTube and the videos and stuff and people have started to go, Wow you know this is something and I'd love to see this heavy band live, and you know we pretty much haven't changed as far as our live shows go, we still have the same energy and attitude we always played with. It's pretty cool we still go out and do things pretty much the same as we always did and it's cool we still have the chance to do it to so many people. Though we don't have the make up as much, maybe it's more about the music for us now than it ever was and it's good that we finally get that recognition."

Read the full interview at this location.

The members of Twisted Sister are featured in a new video interview with The Lowdown. It was conducted at this year's edition of the Download Festival, which took place this past weekend (June 10th - 12th) in Leicestershire, UK at Donington Park. Check it out below:

The band recently updated their summer tour schedule. Dates include:


2 - Venue TBA - Dallas, TX
12 - Equestrian Centre, Goudi Park - Athens, Greece
13 - Babylonia-Mylos Open Air - Thessaloniki, Greece
15 - Masters Of Rock - Vizovice, Czech Republic
16 - Sonisphere Festival - Madrid, Spain
29 - Venue TBA - Kotka, Finland
30 - Qstock 2011 - Oulu, Finland


1 - Arena - Moscow, Russia
27 - Venue TBA - Grand Junction, CO

Twisted Sister were guests on the Tuesday, April 26th edition of NBC-TV's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Footage of the band's 'We're Not Gonna Take It' performance can be found below:

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