U.D.O. Bassist FITTY WIENHOLD Quits Band; Video Announcement

September 19, 2018, 5 years ago

news heavy metal u.d.o. fitty wienhold

U.D.O. Bassist FITTY WIENHOLD Quits Band; Video Announcement

U.D.O. bassist Fitty Wienhold (pictured above, at left) has announced his departure from the band, which he joined back in 1996. A video message can be found below.

Wienhold's message, in part: "After 22 years being with Udo as a friend, with U.D.O. as a bass player, songwriter, motivator and I don't know what or more, I decided to take a new way in my life and leave the band. I will not leave the U.D.O. family, because it was much more than just a business. I will be there when I'm needed, as a songwriter, as a friend, as an advisor, whatever.

"I can't put in words what all those years meant to me, what those years gave to me, what you all gave to me. Actually, it was a quarter of my life. I always said that we musicians are nothing without our fans, and what we are doing is just for you, just for them.

"I'm thankful that I have met so many nice people all over the world, and it was always a warm welcome. Well, sometimes it was a little too much drinking, but I survived, as you see I'm still here. And I always felt that to give a hundred percent, it's not enough.

"Anyway, the world doesn't stop turning and life goes on, U.D.O. goes on, and so long Udo is alive, he will be always a living idol. There are not so many out there like him, maybe nobody, and he never disappointed you, never, so enjoy every show, every moment you can be with him."

Watch Fitty's full message below:

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