WORK OF ART Guitarist Robert Säll - "We Tried For 15 Years To Get A Demo Together..."

April 7, 2008, 16 years ago

news work of art rock hard has issued an interview with WORK OF ART guitarist Robert Säll. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Q: Before the album, you had released a couple of demos, so, how did it happen that Frontiers listen to you and tell you that they will release the album?

A: "Actually no, we had not released any demos. We tried for 15 years to get a demo together but for a number of reasons we always failed. So the first completed demo we made was finished last year in February. We directly uploaded it on our MySpace site and Frontiers contacted us and offered us a record deal the very same day!!"

Q: What kind of musical influences do you have? Do you listen to Heavy Metal apart from AOR or Hard Rock?

A: "Not to much but I hang around in a lot of Metal clubs and have a lot of Metal friends so I get to hear a lot of Metal anyway. I?'ve listened to PANTERA, MACHINE HEAD quite a bit and I'm big TOOL fan!"

Read the entire interview at

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