YOUR DEMISE - "Twenty-Four Hours In Solitary Confinement "

June 24, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news your demise

BW&BK; has received the following press release from UK hardcore act YOUR DEMISE:

The UK's foremost hardcore bruisers, Your Demise, have lived through some truly intense road encounters. These encounters have toughened up the members of the young St. Albans band and have given their modern brand of hardcore an extra edge that's allowed them to rise to prominence in the UK. No encounter, however, has toughened them up as much as the events surrounding the band's 24 hour stay in a Belgian solitary confinement cell. Your Demise guitarist, Stuart Paice explains the circumstances regarding that fateful event:

"Where do I start haha! Seven dickheads in a van on tour in Europe! That's a good start. Looking back I think that tour was destined for it to happen.We were out of control. At the peak of our destruction you could say, we were setting fireworks off out the van on the motorway, and as they ran out we made a stop to a shop in France somewhere. We purchased three really shit BB guns that would not even go through the air let alone flesh, about 1,000 firecrackers and loads of ammo. Finally we began our journey toward Germany.

Midway through the journey, the firecrackers were being set off in the van and everyone was shooting Oz (guitarist, Daniel Osbourne, who was driving, I might add). The next thing we know is that a Belgian Police car is telling us to pull over. The full extent of the event hit us when at that point when we got out the van. There was four police cars, two meat wagons full of feds, two police Helicopters. We all just looked at each other and that was it. They lead us to the police station, for which they closed the motorway off for us to pass through. We got to the police station, they searched us and locked us up. Twenty-four hours in solitary confinement later, we are set free ha ha. We then thought it was all over, but a year later we each get a court summons saying we had to attend a hearing. We were being charged with 3 counts of Threatening Behavior, the transportation of Illegal Firearms and something else. So we get a Brit ish speaking Belgian Lawyer, costing us 5 grand, we go to court, and get acquitted on all charges. Big waste of time. Looking back that is MENTAL!"

The newest buzz band from the minds at Visible Noise is coming to kick down the door of the North American hardcore scene and take it by force. Your Demise brings their unique and hard-hitting blend of drum/bass infused hardcore to North America via Earache on August 11th with their debut album, Ignorance Never Dies. Pre-order information coming soon.

Watch the video for the gritty Ignorance Never Dies track, 'Burnt Tongues' at

For the latest news, dates, music, photos and more, go to Your Demise's official MySpace page.

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