ENSLAVED - Mardraum - Beyond The Within

October 7, 2000, 23 years ago


Tim Henderson

Rating: 10.0

review enslaved

ENSLAVED - Mardraum - Beyond The Within

Well, this year's black metal masterpiece, Immortal's Damned In Black, has been conquered, Enslaved taking matters of extremity into their own hands and subsequently composing one rare exemplary escape. And these Scandinavians were never really spoken of in the same breathe as say an Emperor, Dimmu, Old Man's Child or Cradle, but the band have played an integral part in shaping what is now known as the true metal scene in Norway. With blunt force, Mardraum - Beyond The Within, is merciless destruction, a certain meteor shower of impending rubble and violent insanity. And once again, you see bands like Enslaved digging through the dirt of the past, brushing off bones and sucking in the marrow. Relics like Voivod, Frost, Venom and Slayer run rabid and wild through this epic, all tied together with the golden grip of Peter Tagtgren and Lars Szoke of Abyss Studios and Hypocrisy fame. And we begin with the ten minute plus 'Stoerre Enn Tid - Tyngre Enn Natt', a storied tale of activity that places Enslaved's vision front and centre without mercy, stringing you along your bloodied path. 'Daudningekvida' follows with its share of Tom Warrior grunts, whilst 'Inngang - Flukt' embraces Jimmy Page-like echo effects before full gallop psychedelia. 'Aeges Draum''s bruised blast beats intermix with an odd Tom Waits segue and 'Mardraum', is full-on anarchistic Voivod, chasing spirits downward to their final resting place. 'Stjerneheimen' adds groove to the occasion, bolstering sonic waves of blackness, while 'Froeyas Smykke' closes Mardraum with an instrumental, ornate in feel, but foreboding of future displeasure. Awesome and unsurpassed.

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