ACHERON - New Album Tracklisting Revealed; Demo Song Streaming

March 20, 2013, 11 years ago

news life in black acheron

Death/black act ACHERON will begin recording their new album KULT DES HASSES in Cleveland, OH in April. It is now official that guitarist Ricktor Ravensbruck (WOLFPACK 44, ELECTRIC HELLFIRE CLUB, WOLFEN SOCIETY) will be a special guest to add some of his lead guitar work to the album.

Band founder Vincent Crowley comments: “Our guitarist Art Taylor is fucking amazing and could easily do all the lead work, but we all agreed that having a 2nd lead player on the album would help to mix things up and have more of a guitar duo style on some of the songs. Kyle and I have worked with Ricktor before in Wolfen Society and knew he would be a perfect person for the job.”

Kult Des Hasses will feature the following tracklisting:

‘Daemonum Lux’

‘Satan Holds Dominion’

‘Raptured To Divine Perversion’

‘Jesus Wept’

‘Thy Father Suicide’

‘Misanthropic Race’

‘Whores And Harlots’

‘Asphyxiation (Hands of God)’

Concubina Do Diabo’

‘Devil’s Black Blood’

Check out the demo of 'Asphyxiation (Hands Of God) below:

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