ANTHRAX Guitarist Scott Ian - "I Don't Want People Coming To Anthrax Shows Looking For Political Analysis"

November 17, 2011, 12 years ago

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ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian recently spoke with Scott Mervis at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about the band's new album, Worship Music. An excerpt from the story is available below:

The album begins and ends in revolutionary mode, as if the band knew there would be demonstrations in the streets as the album was released.

'Earth on Hell' has Mr. Belladonna singing, "Taking the streets -- occupied!" while on the final track, 'Revolution Screams', he wails, "Revolution! Whose side are you on?!"

"I wrote the lyrics to these songs close to four years ago now," the guitarist says. "I'm not saying I had a crystal ball or anything, but I definitely was able to feel that something needs to change on this planet. When [stuff] started to kick off in Egypt, it was weird, because I was like, 'I kinda wrote about this three years ago.' I've been waiting for this to happen. People can only take [crap] for so long. That's the way I look at it.

"I'm not saying I back either side," he adds. "I'm just saying I've had enough, and I'm sad to say, but I really truly believe, it's actually going to take blood running on the streets of America until maybe some of these government officials will actually wake up and stop toeing the party line and start actually trying to get something done."

And people can check the political stuff at the door and just expect to come in for a wild, loud, good time.

"I don't want people coming to Anthrax shows looking for political analysis," he says. "It's about coming to a show and forgetting about all this [B.S.] for two hours and shake it off, and come out feeling better about things 'cause you're able to get so much of this energy in your system out at the show."

Click here for the complete story.

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