BEHEMOTH - Nergal Makes Most Valuable Polish Stars List In Forbes Magazine Poland

July 27, 2012, 12 years ago

news life in black behemoth

BEHEMOTH frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski has been named as one of the most valuable Polish stars in the latest issue of Forbes Magazine Poland. He sits at #63 below:

Commented Nergal: "That's quite unexpected I must say. Excuse my ignorance but to be honest I've never been a FORBES reader and I'm not sure what this is all about… I reckon it's quite an awarding affair though. Anyway, I really hope I'm the first extreme metal musician that has ever appeared in the pages of this elite magazine. Am I?;)"

Nergal is putting the finishing touches to his autobiography, due out in October in Polish, with an english version to follow "if there's interest," he says. Check out the cover below:

Titled Sacrum Profanum the frontman, who has since recovered from a battle with leukaemia says it's "like a really long in-depth interview."

Nergal says he will be working with producers Group 13, who he also collaborated with for the videos 'At the Left Hand Ov God' and 'Ov Fire and the Void', on several promotional videos.

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