BIF NAKED Confirmed As Guest Speaker At Eating Disorder Awareness Foundation's Annual Fundraiser

April 25, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has checked in with the following update:

"Namaste and Salaam! Bonjour and Hola! Beautiful, Lovely People,

I hope you had an Inspirational Earth day, this week!!! It was allllll sunshine and glorious blossoms everywhere, in my neighbourhood! Unbelievable! Om hare Om! So grateful for my safe,safe life, right now. We live incredible lives, here, in the West. Most of us, do, anyway. I'm sorry for everyone who does not and it reminds me to be totally mindful of them each and every day. I want to help where I can, whenever I can. For many, many different organizations. This is why I am embarking on doing some speaking engagements, on behalf of people I believe in, organizations I want to use my BIG MOUTH to help raise awareness for.

Next week, I will be working with The Looking Glass Foundation. They are dedicated to creating an intensive treatment center for adolescents with eating disorders (ie: diseases like Anorexia Nervosa and Bulemia Nervosa). It will be the first center of its kind in Canada!

Yes, Lovies…diseases! Those who suffer are not able to stop and it is not a phase or some kid trying to look like a celebrity. It destroys lives and families and it kills people. Truly. I, myself, have had manymany issues with disordered eating (Remember? At one point, I was even a size -1! Seriously! NOT cool and NOT healthy. Even my brain was crazymaking and I was a mess; depression, no proper seratonin or dopamine levels, etc.etc. And I was working the entire time!!!! GOOD GOD! ) But, for Lucky little moi, I am past that…back to being healthy and four sizes bigger! LOL! I recovered. But I am a Lucky One.

Adolescents are still in growing bodies. It is rough on their brain chemistry, brain tissue, internal essential organs, the works. I insist that you explore and look at their and you will be so moved by how much wonderful work these loving,lovely people are doing, and what they are hoping to do. Highest Blessings to them!

I am honored and so happy to tell you that next Friday, April 30th I will be their Special Guest at their annual fundraiser. It will be at Rocky Mountaineer Station (101-369 Terminal Avenue) in Vancouver. Dinner is at 7:30 but I dont know what they are making. LOL!

I know all of us are trying to live “better” and “healthier” lives….almost everyone I know is on a 'diet' and even put their kids on diets! What are we saying? What messages are we sending, without even thinking or realizing it? I have my own guilt and hope I neverever sent some kid any idea to be skinnier, or something. : All I can do, now, is share my own stories and try and set a good example. And that's all we can each do, everyday. And get behind organizations like this one. *gush*

Do your best everyday. I will too. In good faith with an open heart, know I am eternally grateful, to and for, every one of you. WORD! Go be healthy and happy."

With Love and True Devotion, Om Nama Shivaya..




In other news, Bif recently updated her schedule with two Alberta shows in July, in Bonnyville and Minnedosa respectively. It is now as follows:


29 - Kamloops Convention Centre - Kamloops, British Columbia


18 - Nakusp Music Fest - Nakusp, British Columbia
23 - Flint Field House - Bonnyville, Alberta
31 - Rockin’ the Fields - Minnedosa, Alberta

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