BIF NAKED - "Touring Makes Me Happy"

August 14, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canada's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste! Sussreekall! Salaam! Bonjour! Hare Krishna! Sai Ram! Howdeefuckincockadoodledoooooo!!! Happy Weekend and Highest Blessings to all of you! I send you love, energy, and gratitude from my heart!

I have had an extremely productive and positive week, and I hope your experience has been the same.

Today I have included some footage Christie (my goodlookin tour manager) has shot from some recent shows. Of course, it is just brief and there is much more footage, but this is a fun overview. Like a Romper Room mirror, we see Jacen, Jason, Flavio, and I on-and-off the bus, and performing at various gigs. Every gig is different (though I tend to almost, without fail, wear my recent 'tour uniform' almost every night). I don’t like to deviate from my uniform. Like- go with what’s comfortable and I wear my favorite shirt until I find a new favorite. LOL!

A lot of peeps ask me 'why' I was touring so soon after my most recent surgery (at the disapproval of my doctors), and still trying to navigate the mysteries of post-chemo/post-radiation and new medication side-effects. I always say, 'why not?' What ELSE would I want to do? Hahaha!

Be a doctor? Be a chef? Write books (but, remember, I can’t type! Do you KNOW how LONG it would take me???) Do a reality show? Finally become a 'painter' artiste? LOL! I have been touring for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. I don’t know any different. Maybe, I don’t know any better. But this has been, and remains, my Life’s Work. I like it. Touring has been good to me. Om Hare Om. I love seeing all of you the most. Our mutuality and shared experience, for that one night, each show, is timeless and priceless. I am very very grateful to you, and for you. Thank you all for coming to see us play. Truly. You fuckin rock my socks off!

Every show is important: festivals, big venues, small venues, clubs, everything.

And this weekend I am performing a lovingly compiled accoustic set for the participants of Vancouver’s annual Weekend to End Breast Cancer with proceeds to benefit the B.C. Cancer Foundation (an independant charitable organization that supports research and care at the B.C. Cancer Agency (also known as my Stompin’ Grounds for the last year-and-a-half!!!) The B.C. Cancer Agency has become a model for cancer care and control around the world!!!!! Wow! I am soooo grateful to be a part of that, in any way!!!!! Boooyah!!! :) I am very much looking foreward to seeing the participants, again. I played for them last year, too... when I was still in treatment.

This time, I am feeling much differently and have much much much more to say!!!! (Quel shock! LOL!) I feel like I am more 'present as I couldn’t possibly realize how 'sickly' I still was, last year. Only now, looking back, do I have any awareness about how fatigued+foggy I still was. It makes me laugh. I can’t wait to tell them all how happy I am to see them, again.

I hope all of you have a blissful weekend and engage in every opportunity to Live Your Truth, whatever it may be. May you find a lot of fun and remember to honor yourselves. I will send you positivity and bigbigbig hugs from my heart!!!!

You RULE!!!!

Om Nama Shivaya. Horns!




Bif Naked's tour itinerary:


27 - The Commodore - Vancouver, British Columbia


4 - The Drink Nightclub - Regina, Saskatchewan

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