BLOOD STAIN CHILD Vocalist Holding Fundraiser For Japanese Earthquake Relief In Thessaloniki On April 1st

March 23, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news blood stain child

Greek vocalist Sophia from Japanese melodeath band BLOOD STAIN CHILD will hold a fundraiser to assist in the Japan earthquake relief efforts. An experienced event manager, she has dubbed the effort a Japan & Anime Party - Fundraiser; it will take place on April 1st at the 8ball Club in Thessaloniki, Greece. Donations will be accepted during the event, all proceeds will go to the Red Cross.

Complete details will be revealed in the coming days.

As previously reported, a new demo version of the song 'Void' featuring Sophia, has surfaced on YouTube. The original version featuring all vocals by bassist Ryo - featured on the band's 2005 album, Idolator - is also available below. In a recent conversation with BW&BK;, Sophia pointed out that the song is a new arrangement featured on a CD-R sold at their shows to give the fans a taste of what to expect on the band's new album.

Original Version

New Version (demo)

Blood Stain Child's as-yet-untitled album is due for a June 2011 release.

In a recent interview about the Visual Kei phenomenon, Sophia commented on how she came to join Blood Stain Child, pointing the finger at guitarist / founder Ryu for taking a leap of faith. Given how much the band’s sound has changed since their inception, coupled with his own off-the-wall image, Sophia’s arrival shouldn’t come as a shock.

“Ryu is a guy full of surprises (laughs). I actually used to work for Blood Stain Child, doing promotion work for a couple of years, before I actually joined the band. On one of my Halloween trips to Japan, I met up with Ryu for a drink, and talking about music I mentioned that I’m a musician as well. He asked for my demo, and for lack of anything decent I just submitted a couple of covers I’d done on my guitar years ago. The sound quality was totally lame but Ryu saw a potential in me, so he replied in 30 minutes asking me to sing on the next album. Needless to say I was shocked.”

Just how much Sophia’s presence will alter Blood Stain Child will come clear with the June release of the new album. The fear some fans have is that the band will start sounding like neo-classical glam-to-the-teeth favourites VERSAILLES or something painfully cheesy.

“(Laughs) Well, ‘cheesy’ has a different meaning for everybody so I can’t generalise. The new album is different from the previous ones without the band losing its musical identity, but rather expanding it and focusing on its original elements. We’re not trying to be something we’re not and the guys respect their musical past, but at the same time they’re looking forward, towards a wider perspective. For people who dislike female melodic vocals, possible disappointment is inevitable, but the fans at our concerts up until now seem to love every bit of it.”

Click here for the in-depth interview with Sophia.

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