BORKNAGAR - "We Are Heading A Little Bit Back To The Musical Core Of The Band"

March 9, 2009, 15 years ago

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BORKNAGAR guitarist/founder Øystein G. Brun is featured in a new interview with Daniel Josephy at An excerpt is available below.

D: You mentioned that you were going back to a rougher sound. Will this be more like Garm or Simen era? Does this mean that the progressive elements will be gone altogether?

Ø: "Yeah, we are heading a little bit back to the musical core of the band but of course there is still a sense of progression. The new album will be very much focused, sharpened and no circling about so to speak. There will be some progressive elements, as usual, but the way we always have done it. So I really think that the ones that liked us back in the late '90's will adore the new album. At least I do that myself…"

D: There have been some rumours lately that Simen may be a guest in the new album. The fans are going crazy with this, we’d actually love to hear Simen as a guest in the new album. Can you please confirm or deny this?

Ø: "I can neither confirm nor deny this at this point. But we keep in touch, he is a good friend."

D: This new album features one actual new member, Dave Kinkade. What made you or the band choose him? Who gets to decide on that? The whole band, or just you? How can Dave manage to be in ARSIS and Borknagar at the same time? Oh, and does he speak Norwegian?

Ø: "Dave was by far the best candidate, as simple as that. Also we spoke on the phone regularly for a couple of months and realised that we shared much the same attitude regarding music in general. The decision where made by all of us, but the initiative came from me. About Arsis vs. Borknagar I don't think that is a problem for Dave. We don't tour much, so as long as he can join us for the recording sessions and do some shows from time to time it's all OK. Nope, he does not speak Norwegian - but I am sure he will soon as he plans to move to Norway… haha!"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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