BravePicks 2023 - KK'S PRIEST's The Sinner Rides Again #30

December 2, 2023, 7 months ago

news heavy metal bravepicks kk's priest

BravePicks 2023 - KK'S PRIEST's The Sinner Rides Again #30

Where does the time go? 2023 seems like a blur as we continued to rebound from COVID, the music industry still struggling to get back on their feet. But metalheads have always been strong survivors and music ruled the day with countless of memorable albums and live shows happening more than ever! 

But lets celebrate! It is that time of the year to unveil our annual BravePicks countdown, where the devout scribes at BraveWords cast their votes at the hits and misses of the year! So who will be our #1? You’ll find out as we count down the BravePick Of 2023 each day in December! 

Everybody has an opinion and it’s time for ours! And stay tuned in January for the writers’ individual Top 20s (new studio albums ONLY), Top 5 Brave Embarrassments (a fan favorite!), What/Who Needs To Stop In 2023? and Metal Predictions For 2024. All will be showcased come the New Year!

BravePicks 2023

30) KK'S PRIEST - The Sinner Rides Again (Napalm)


The engines are revved up and the smell of gasoline fills the air and KK’s Priest is leaner and meaner on their second full-length – The Sinner Rides Again. K.K. Downing dove deep into a Painkiller influence and it works in spades with stronger songs, stronger riffs, and a snarling attitude. The team of Downing and Tim “Ripper” Owens on vocals is potent with much left in the tank, a lively, pulsating record from hearty veterans of the industry. The Sinner Rides Again motors its way to #30 and begins our countdown. 

K.K. spoke to BraveWords in a feature interview – an excerpt below:

On The Sinner Rides Again, K.K. wrote all the lyrics, and he’s got an interesting take with respect to his motivations in this department.

“Well, yes, there’s probably nothing better than if you feel kind of self-inspired, because the subject matter is relative to yourself, but also potentially to the audience. Do you know what I mean? I could be talking crap here, Martin, but just imagine if you’re a poet. I’ve never tried, but I’d love to write really kind of good poetry. Because the art of writing poetry is quite fab, really, because when you read a poem, you don’t really know if it’s about the writer, or how exactly the writer has an involvement with the content of the poem, or maybe he or she is just putting it out there in an ambiguous kind of way that it will opens the floodgates of your imagination.”

“And if it’s really good poetry, as the reader, you could probably make the words associate with your own life experience, or things that you wish for, or things that you don’t wish for, for some; it’s all a bit like that. But the main thing is, for me, in terms of who I am and what I do, if it can relate to me, then it’s probably going to have more passion and meaning to it. Plus in that case, I can get on with it and be quite prolific, augmenting the story lyrically and musically; do you know what I mean? Hopefully I’m explaining this right, because the thing is, if it’s dear to your heart, if it’s kind of in there and has some meaning to yourself, then you can push on and get it done. You can probably do it more quickly, because you’ve got a road you go down with it. You know where you’re going with it. Because lyrically, it all kind of adds up. It’s like putting paving stones in a road. You know where it’s leading to. But if it’s meaningful to me and I’m a part of it, it might also potentially grip the listener, the audience, as well, and they can be a part of it; it can have a similar effect on them.”

BravePicks 2023 Top 30

30) KK'S PRIEST - The Sinner Rides Again (Napalm)

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