Bring On The Doom With This List Of 10 Best Stoner-Friendly Metal Albums

October 3, 2022, 2 years ago


Bring On The Doom With This List Of 10 Best Stoner-Friendly Metal Albums


1. Bongripper: Hippie Killer
2. Electric Wizard: Dopethrone
3. Weedeater: God Luck and Good Speed
4. Black Sabbath: Master of Reality
5. Sleep: Dopesmoker
6. Goatsnake: Flowers of Disease
7. Acid King: Busse Woods
8. Bongzilla: Weedsconsin
9. Belzebong: Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves
10. Melvins: Stoner Witch

Getting high doesn’t only mean listening to Bob Marley, planting kush seeds, and wishing for world peace. Embrace your inner weed-smoking, death-metal-listening side with these stoner metal bands.

Put your Demonias on as we walk you through this epic list of ten metal albums to amplify your high. 

1. Bongripper: Hippie Killer

Slap on your headphones for 80 minutes of powerful sludge riffs, ambient reverb, and traces of post-metal. 

Bongripper’s Hippie Killer is a musical masterpiece containing contrasting melodies and rhythmic staccato to get you tripping.

Each track has a unique atmosphere. “Droid Developer” and “Terrible Bear Attack” have aggressive progressions that get you riled up. 

Other songs like “Her Highness” have a gentle melody paired with a heavy strum to form an artistic auditory experience.
2. Electric Wizard: Dopethrone

Electric Wizard is undoubtedly one of the best heavy metal bands, and Dopethrone shows you why. This album induces fantasies of black nebulas and dark tripping. 

Woozy riffs, drones, crusty feedback, and strange tales turn your brain into the ultimate mosh pit. If you want foul, distorted sludge metal, give this one a listen.

Jus Osborn sings the weirdest shit about blood lust, zombies, and Alistair Crowley. Listen hard enough, and the lyrics come together like puzzle pieces that unlock alternate universes. 

3. Weedeater: God Luck and Good Speed 

Take a puff of these southern sludge riffs and runs to get as high as Weedeater. Okay, nevermind. We’re sure nobody can get as blasted as this stoner metal band. 

Cannabis is their tamest vice as they’re known for getting fucked up and tearing the stage to shreds. Weedeater delivers syrupy strums paired with Dave “Dixie” Collins’ lawnmower-meets-glass-eater vocals and insane basslines.

God Luck and Good Speed’s tracks are so overwhelmingly scary and dark that they soothe you (only metalheads get that). 

4. Black Sabbath: Master of Reality

Master of Reality is arguably Black Sabbath’s blueprint for all the great stoner metal albums. “Sweet Leaf” is a song that many sludge heads heil. 

The record has a grungy, grimy feel with deep licks and multifaceted riffs contrasted with nasal vocals. 

Fun fact: The intro to ”Sweet Leaf” is Tony Lommis’ cough after hitting a joint from Ozzy Osbourne. If that’s not an iconic stoner metal move, we don’t know what is. 

5. Sleep: Dopesmoker

“Drop out of life with bong in hand” is the starting line to this hour-long song on the one-of-a-kind album. If there were a metal album dedicated to weed, Dopesmoker would be it. 

Sleep equates cannabis with every religious symbol in malevolent chants. They’re known for releasing stoner-metal hits with a profound meaning, like those in their Holy Mountain album

Dopesmoker is unedited, uncut, and unfiltered; just one hour of pure crack energy with filthy runs. The melodies build in intensity and feel like swimming through quicksand while trapped in the trance-like vocals. 

6. Goatsnake: Flower of Disease

Slowed-down progressions, juicy licks, and greasy bass runs give Flower of Disease a sexy doom grunge appeal. It’s one of the best stoner metal albums because of its unique sound that’s both soothing and thrilling, especially when baked.

Goatsnake’s haunting vocals and husky guitar work has driven fans wild since the 2000s.

Greg Anderson pounds the guitar into submission as he treats you to eargasms from his smooth rock ‘n roll drags. Pete Stahl’s vocals are beautiful and dance together with the low-slung grooves. 

7. Acid King: Busse Woods

Female-led Acid King has been around since 1993. They named Busse Woods after the Ned Brown Forest Preserve, where people would sometimes hang out and sell or use drugs. 

The fuzzylicious tone and rhythmic bass make you headbang in approval of these artistic metal tracks. 

Acid King’s songs follow a groovy stoner punk style with repetitive lyrics, pushing you to chant along at the top of your lungs. 

8. Bongzilla: Weedsconsin

Bring on the 90s-style stoner metal with iconic riffs and Muleboy’s raspy vocals. Weedsconsin sounds like a wild beast roaring in slow motion while the guitar Gods play the sickest solos. 

Bongzilla are avid weed smokers, and their woozy melodies supercharge your high. They stand out in the stoner-metal, doom grunge genre as they don’t use much reverb. Instead, the band provides clear harmonies that are fuzzy but audible. 

9. Belzebong: Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves

Belzebong gives you enough thick, dirty guitar progressions to satisfy your black heart. Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves is one of the best albums to listen to high because its distortion is on another level. 

The amp sounds close to exploding in songs like “Bong Thrower,” but feels amazing. This Polish instrumental metal band creates tracks sludgier than Mississippi mud. Their band members even have cliché stoner names:
● Sheepy Dude on bass
● Alky Dude on guitars
● Cheesy Dude on guitars
● Hexy Dude on drums
● Boogey Dude on visuals

10. Melvins: Stoner Witch

Stoner Witch is for you if you’re looking for something to make you trip harder than a blow dryer in a bathtub. Melvins’ band leader King Buzzo doesn’t smoke weed, but they still make some knee-shaking stoner metal.

Every song on this album is unique and packed with contrasting dark and light melodies and ominous vocals. The riffs shapeshift from fat minor sequences to almost creepy-happy progressions.

Give Stoner Witch a listen if you want weed-inspired, heavy metal so fine it scares you. 

Jennifer Gallagher

Jennifer Gallagher, an experienced cannabis grower at SeedSupreme Seedbank. During a 7-year career in the marijuana growing business, Jennifer has gained a high competence in this field. As far as weed is concerned, she knows it all inside out. Jennifer is an expert in pot-growing, as well as cannabis types and their effects. She’s also familiar with all legislation nuances.


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