January 30, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news bw bk exclusive crimson glory

Special report by Mark Gromen:

As shocking as the revelation was that CRIMSON GLORY were sacking resurrected original vocalist Midnight (following his DWI escapade), the decision to re-up with Astronomica-era singer, Wade Black (ex-SEVEN WITCHES/LEATHERWOLF) was even more of a surprise, given their unceremonious parting, following a European tour. “Just recently, I was booking a show for my solo band, BLACK REIGN” says the singer. “I guess the agent was interested in a Crimson Glory show too, so he got in touch with Jon (Drenning, guitar), who got in touch with me. I saw Jon again when the members of Crimson Glory played with KAMELOT (September 16, 2006). It was the first time I’d seen him in seven years. He said something like, ‘I always knew you’d be a star.’ I’ve had a good relationship with Jeff (Lords, bass) and Ben (Jackson, guitar, whom Black briefly played with in SECTOR 9), but friendship and business are two different things. We’ll see what happens. Nothing is really finalized yet. There will be a bunch more meetings. If we can all play nice in the sandbox, we’ll get along.”

As of now, there is a pair of shows, March 15th -16th. “It will be like what you saw before,” says Black, referring to the April 3rd, 2000 show I witnessed at Club More in Tampa, “but with seven years of experience, using everything I’ve learned as a frontman in that time. They could have gotten another, new singer, but they know what they’ll get from me and that I can pull those songs off, live. One show’s at Bourbon Street (in New Port Richey) and the other is in Palmetto, both with VICIOUS RUMORS. We haven’t gotten together yet (to rehearse), but it’s not really necessary. I’ve been practicing myself. It’s like second nature, those songs. When I heard them, I remembered at least 60% of the words to those old songs. (The rest of the band’s) over in Sarasota, about an hour from here, so if it makes financial sense to do another record, it will be easy to get together. Yeah, it’s Jon’s band, but the people who are employed should get paid. We all mature a little bit. First time around, I really didn’t know who they were, or what they really stood for, but after all this time, to possibly get another chance at such an important band, that means a lot.”

Of his time with Left Coasters, Leatherwolf, which included a trip to last year’s Bang Your Head festival, in Balingen, Germany, the singer admits, “They had Tony Harnell (TNT), Joey Belladonna (ANTHRAX), Ronny Monroe (METAL CHURCH) all ready to try out. When I told Emo Mowrey (NOCTURNUS/TIWANAKU) that I was trying out, he basically said, “I don’t want you to be in Tiwanaku then,” so I went down there and packed up my stuff (quit on the spot), which was what the Leatherwolf guys loved. ‘Wow, this guys got ball, conviction.’ I spent three months flying back and forth across country to record (World Asylum). There’s over 100 hours (singing) on that album.”

BW&BK; plans to be in attendance at the Florida shows, so watch for a report online and in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

(Photo by Mark Gromen)

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