BW&BK Exclusive: NEVERMORE Vocalist WARREL DANE On Next Album - "Andy Sneap Is On Speed Dial..."

September 28, 2008, 16 years ago

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In a recent interview with BW&BK; about the band's new DVD, The Year Of The Voyager, NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane discussed the band's plans for their next studio album:

“We’ve got four or five songs that have been worked out in a rough form," Dane reveals. "I have to sit down with Jeff (Loomis/guitars) and work shit out, because we bounce ideas off each other. It can be hard work, but most of the time it’s pretty enjoyable. It’ll be out next year, that’s for sure. When we’re deeper into the writing process and have things a little more solidified we’ll start talking about timeframes and exact dates for when we’re going to go into the studio. Andy Sneap (producer) is on speed dial (laughs), so don’t be surprised if he does the next record.”

Watch for the full story in BW&BK; #113.

A trailer for The Year Of The Voyager is available below.

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