CAMP FREDDY Guitarist BILLY MORRISON - “The Industry Has Changed; It Hasn’t Gone Down The Tubes..."

May 24, 2008, 16 years ago

camp freddy news rock hard billy morrison

LA Weekly recently issued a story on CAMP FREDDY guitarist / CIRCUS DIABLO frontman Billy Morrison. The following is a brief excerpt:

Morrison grasps that a very un–rock n' roll work ethic (he’s usually answering e-mails by 7 a.m.) and relentless diversification are musts for show-biz survival.

“If you just sit there strumming your guitar you ain’t going to get anywhere!” he proclaims in a still very sarf (as in south) London lilt. “The industry has changed — it hasn’t gone down the tubes — and I think that, by definition, if you’re an entertainer and an artist, you move and morph with that.I also have a definite syndrome of making up for lost time.”

Go to this location for the complete story.

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