Canada's MALACODA Release "Deadlights" Visualizer

March 11, 2021, 3 years ago

news heavy metal malacoda

Canada's MALACODA Release "Deadlights" Visualizer

Ontario, Canada's Malacoda have released a visualizer for the new single "Deadlights", which will be available on streaming platforms Friday, March 12. "Deadlights" is featured on the band's upcoming Crawling Chaos EP. Watch the visualizer below.

“The song is based on the movie, It's one of the better horror movie remakes that’s come out recently. We really tried to capture the emotion from the film with this one.” - Lucas Di Mascio


“Crawling Chaos”
“From The Depths” (feat. James Delbridge)
“The Harsh Law”

“Deadlights” visualizer:

"Crawling Chaos" lyric video:

While looking for a drummer, the band recorded throughout 2019/2020 with friends behind the drum kit.


Lucas Di Mascio - Vocals & Keys
Wes MacDonald - Guitars
Zachary “Zak” Stulla - Bass

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