CATTLE DECAPITATION's Travis Ryan To Make Appearance On New SOULFLY Album

November 17, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news cattle decapitation soulfly

CATTLE DECAPITATION vocalist Travis Ryan has recently recorded vocals for the new SOULFLY album, due early 2012 on Roadrunner Records. Travis recorded his portion of the vocals at Frick'in Studios in San Marcos, CA with engineer Dan Frick and the result was extremely positive.

Travis Ryan states: "It's an honor to receive a call from someone you had pictures of on your wall as a kid asking you to be on a new album of theirs. I literally had a picture of Max and Gloria holding Richie in her arms that I ripped out of a copy of Metal Maniacs on my wall when I was 15 or 16. Now they're asking for my artistic hand in one of their creations, just doesn't get much more surreal than that. Very honored and the song is very "death metal-ish" and completely crushes. Happy to be a part of it!"

The producer of Soulfly's new album, Zeuss (HATEBREED, SHADOWS FALL, THE RED CHORD) responded to the delivery of Travis' tracks saying: "The vocals fucking rule!!!! Fits the song perfect… Very refreshing for me to hear these days."

In November 2010, Cattle Decapitation returned home from headlining The California Blood Tour and decided to take the next year off and immediately began writing the follow up to their 2009 release, The Harvest Floor.

The band has been holed up in the confines of their rehearsal studio in National City, California ever since and are preparing to unleash a new slab of human-dissecting carnage for a spring 2012 release via Metal Blade Records. The band will be recording in January/February in Denver, Colorado at Flatline Audio with producer/engineer Dave Otero (CEPHALIC CARNAGE, CATHETER, TRIVIUM) and will play a small handful of shows on the way out to Denver showcasing their new material.

Artist Wes Benscoter is again on board to deliver more breathtaking goregeousness to the album cover as he has done on the band's past four releases. The album title, cover image and concept will be revealed in the next few months.

Here’s what guitarist Josh Elmore has to say about the new material: "As it comes down to the home stretch before recording, we have been focusing on getting the last two songs written as well as refining and tightening the tracks which are already completed. The overwhelming impression I get from this new batch of tunes is that they have benefitted greatly from a more streamlined approach to composition and song structure. A lot of these songs are very "to-the-point" with just enough embellishment to keep them dynamic, whilst avoiding sinking into some bells-and-whistles mire. Lean and mean.

There will be no forays in 8-string djentiness and none of us bought v-neck shirts or deck shoes to "modernize" our sound and look, respectively. Expect some riffy, ripping blackened deathgrind with nods to our past work and tastes of what's to come. These songs are going to be a blast to play live and we are anxious to have these recorded and get on the road to play them for you."

The band’s friend who simply goes by the tag T-R3X has provided a quick teaser video available below showing the band hard at work on new material.

The band will be playing a ton of new material as well as some old gems at the following shows on their way out to the recording destination:


4 – Phoenix, AZ - The Clubhouse
5 – Albuquerque, NM - The Launchpad
6 – Denver, CO The Marquis Theater

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