CIPHER SYSTEM Split With Singer; Look For Replacement

June 11, 2009, 15 years ago

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Swedish progressive metallers CIPHER SYSTEM check in with the following update from bassist Henric Carlsson:

"Well, Cipher System are in a little bit of trouble. I had a chat with (vocalist) Andreas Solvestrom and he doesn't have time to focus on Cipher System any more. Being in a band is something you either do 100% or not, and Andreas wanted to focus more on his new band AMARANTHE and his old band WITHIN Y so we understand his choice and respect it.

Not too much for us to do then. We are now officially searching for a new singer.

We would love to have a guy from Sweden that could rehearse in the Gothenburg area. As we don't make any big money on this band, we apreciate you being serious, professional and really love to play music just as much as we do.

The guy we search for should be able to handle both clean vocals and screems.

We are not going to change our style, just that we have had some clean vocals in the past and we aim to have some in the future it would be great to have some one that could handle this without any problems.

Right now we have around 10 songs finnished and more on the way, so we are more then eager to get started with the recording of our upcoming album so that we could start get some shows lined up again!

We hope we have your support and help us in this troubled times..."

Contact Cipher System via the band's MySpace page.

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