Could There Be Another Spinal Tap Movie On The Horizon?

June 11, 2021, 3 years ago


Could There Be Another Spinal Tap Movie On The Horizon?

This is Spinal Tap is one of the best-known and most adored rock films ever created. Released in 1984, the offering written by Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer, and Rob Reiner is credited with sparking the mockumentary genre in film. The critically acclaimed comedy was so convincing that many people started to believe Spinal Tap were a real-world musical act. Unfortunately, other than the live show, The Return of Spinal Tap, there has never been a sequel. However, there are some signs that a new film could be coming in the future.

 One of the Most Iconic Rock Movies of All Time
There have been many rock movies over the years, but few have lived as long in the memory as This is Spinal Tap. Reiner's film was not incredibly successful when it was released, however, it later became a cult hit. It has even been referred to as one of the most influential films of all time. Not only did it start its own genre, it also encouraged filmmakers to create spoofs of other things. It could even be credited with helping rock music become more mainstream.
The film is about the fictional rock group Spinal Tap, a band who share similarities with acts such as Def Leppard, KISS, and Iron Maiden. A camera crew follows them around on a fictional tour of the United States. Not only are there some hilarious moments in the picture, but there are also some notable pieces of music. Thanks to the quality of the band’s songs, the members have made a number of real-life appearances in the years since the film was released.

Still Present in Popular Culture
One common indicator that a Hollywood offering could be in line for a reboot or sequel is if the name is still present in other forms of mainstream media. For instance, there have been various games about Bill & Ted in recent years, and a sequel to the 1989 and 1991 pictures came out last year. Similarly, Spinal Tap as a band and a brand has been ever-present in popular culture since the film was released three decades ago. This suggests that the audience would be there, ready and waiting for a new instalment.
There are numerous examples of how Spinal Tap have remained in the public domain. The band members have made appearances in hit television series such as The Simpsons, and have also been represented in games. They featured in Guitar Hero II with the song, Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You. The name and brand are also used on one of the most popular free slots online, Spinal Tap. The game from Blueprint Gaming is among a number of well-loved rock and metal slots on the Internet. Some of the other titles include Motörhead, Kiss, and Guns N’ Roses.
The fact that people still enjoy seeing Spinal Tap in these games, along with listening to their music, suggests that it is a prime opportunity for the creators to come up with something new. If there was another Spinal Tap instalment, it could go down as one of the longest-awaited sequels in the history of film.
Creators Won a Battle for the Rights

Another promising sign is to do with the creative rights to the Spinal Tap name. It has been reported that Reiner and the other co-creators were previously not earning their fair share of royalties from the film and its related media. However, in 2016, they won a legal battle and now have creative control over the franchise. This means that they would be free to start writing and possibly produce a fresh instalment. It would make sense for the new film to be another mockumentary, catching up with the band all these years later to see what they are doing.
One of the common themes of Hollywood is to take iconic films from the 1980s and reboot them for modern audiences. Producers tend to do this for franchises that are still prevalent in popular culture. Because Spinal Tap is remembered and loved today, it would make a lot of sense to release a sequel to the 1984 movie.

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