CRYPTOPSY Part Ways With Bassist/Guitarist Youri Raymond

December 9, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news cryptopsy

CRYPTOPSY bassist Youri Raymond (formerly guitar) has posted the following message:

"I am officially announcing my departure of the band Cryptopsy. At this time, we feel it's in the best interest of both the band and I to part ways.

As a musician, moving from guitar to bass was a great challenge, but honestly, I never really felt comfortable in that position and my motivation in general was stagnating.

I'm now moving forward and will release an album in 2012 on guitar/lead vocals with my band, UNHUMAN, and I hope Jon, Matt, Chris, Flo and the new guy who will fill in in the bass spot the very best with the upcoming album and what might be the "real" Cryptopsy coming back!

Thanks again fans and friends for your endless support!"

Stay tuned for further updates.

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