DANGEROUS TOYS Frontman JASON McMASTER Talks Turning Down PANTERA Audition - "I Was Really Kind Of Blinded By My Own Worries With WATCHTOWER"

June 27, 2021, 2 years ago

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DANGEROUS TOYS Frontman JASON McMASTER Talks Turning Down PANTERA Audition - "I Was Really Kind Of Blinded By My Own Worries With WATCHTOWER"

Guesting on Waste Some Time With Jason Green, Dangerous Toys frontman Jason McMaster discussed the history of the band and several other topics, including being invited to audition for Pantera before Phil Anselmo came into the picture, which he ultimately turned down. Check out the interview below.

McMaster: "They (Pantera) were doing club circuits. They were wearing pink and purple and green and yellow on stage. They had big hair. So, it was kind of the whole, 'Well, do you call them posers?' Well, you're not a poser if you believe what you do, and they were good, and everyone said how good they were. So, '86 comes around, Watchtower's first record is out - Energetic Disassembly -  the Pantera camp calls me. Watchtower was losing Billy White (guitars); he was ready to jump ship and start playing different styles of music and just rock guitar. So the last two shows we played with Billy White were the only two shows that Watchtower ever played out of the state of Texas, and they were in the Bay Area in October of 1986. I believe it was right before that the Pantera camp had called me to see where my head was. I realized how big of an honor it was by the time they blew up. And I was, like, 'Wow. These guys are cool.' 

Who knew that they were going into this completely hardcore and / or arguably creating their own style of groove metal. I don't really like the term, but it became a thing. As well as that, they could thrash too. Who knew? 'Cause I didn't. I just thought they were this kind of glam rock band that did the cover band circuit, and that's all I knew about 'em, but I was really kind of blinded by my own worries with Watchtower."

On the latest episode of the '80s Gam Metalcast, host Metal Mike caught up with McMaster, who talked about the Cassius King project and new Dangerous Toys music.

McMaster: "I’m always working on new music. I’m busy, there’s a lot of things on my plate right now. I’ve got a new thing called Cassius King that I’m doing with these guys out of New Jersey. The record is called Field Trip. It’s coming out this year. There’s a lot of things I’ve been working on off and on. One of those would be new Dangerous Toys music. We haven’t written together in so long. We didn’t feel like there was a reason to. There’s a lot of bands from back then that kept it alive and kept it going. They had different versions, sometimes two versions of the same band out on the road. We didn’t do that. As far as I’m concerned, we’re still all original guys. To keep that credibility going, we just went at our own pace. If that meant not getting in a room to write together....so be it. We never broke up, we just pulled way back. We have like 8 or 9 songs. Maybe not all of them are record ready. It’s basically me and Scott putting them together. I feel like it’s the sound of Scott’s guitar and my voice that makes the band. I think the rest of the guys would agree."

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