DODSFERD/NADIWRATH Lead Singer Wrath Posts Update

September 12, 2010, 13 years ago

news nadiwrath life in black dodsferd

DODSFERD mainman and NADIWRATH vocalist/guitarist Wrath, has posted the following update on Nadiwrath:

"The Nadiwrath full-length album is ready! Only chaos and destruction! Eight tracks of old-school black metal combined with elements of desolation and despair! The title of the album is Nihilistic Stench! Except nothing but misanthropic propaganda against all!"

Nadiwrath's Nihilistic Stench is the band's debut album and will be released by Moribund Records early next year.

Wrath has also posted an update regarding Dodsferd:

"I have started recording my sixth full-length album with Dodsferd! I have recorded so far the drums and the bass. Now I am recording the guitars! Six songs of total hate and misanthropy. This new album will destroy all the rest I have written so far!"

New members have been added to the Dodsferd lineup, Maelstrom on drums and Neptunus on bass, with Nadiwrath's Nadir handling guitars in the live setting. Of course, Wrath still handles vocals and guitar.

The title of Dodsferd's new album will see an early 2011 release through Moribund Records.

A live clip of ‘My Death, Your Propitiattion’ performed at this summer's United Darkness festival in Athens can be viewed below:

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