DREAM THEATER Vocalist JAMES LABRIE Talks Turning Down IRON MAIDEN Audition - "It Was Just Bizarre; It Didn't Make Sense"

November 17, 2021, 2 years ago

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DREAM THEATER Vocalist JAMES LABRIE Talks Turning Down IRON MAIDEN Audition - "It Was Just Bizarre; It Didn't Make Sense"

Dream Theater vocalist James LaBrie recently guested on Breaking Absolutes fr an in-depth interview. He discussed the band's new album, A View From The Top Of The World, his recording process, his upcoming solo album, vocal approach, and more. Check out the interview below.

On turning down the offer to audition for Iron Maiden following Bruce Dickinson's departure in 1993

LaBrie: "I was already in Dream Theater, we had already recorded the album Images And Words, and to me, it was not appropriate. This was a band that I had 100% belief in that if we play the cards right, we're going to experience longevity in this career that you can come and go within three to five years. It was just bizarre; it didn't make sense.

One of the main points I made to Rod (Smallwood / Iron Maiden manager) was 'I've been down that road before.' And as amazing as Iron Maiden is, I was in a band in Canada back in the mid-'80s, and they had already had three albums out. The band was called Coney Hatch. I went in and started singing for them, started recording new songs, but when I was out, live, to me, in the back of my head, I was like, 'OK, I'm having a great time, I'm out here on stage, there are lots of people in front of me, and I'm doing what I love to do - sing.' So there was that part, but the other part to me was, 'I'm always going to be imitating who this guy is...' and that was Carl Dixon, the original singer. I said, 'I'm a glorified jukebox hero, that's what I am.' So I said, 'No, I want to create my own.' And I knew Dream Theater was a force to be reckoned with musically. 

That was my reason. I saw something here where I was going to be known as the singer. Neil Peart came in for Rush on the second album, I came in for Dream Theater on the second album. People aren't thinking too much about (original drummer) John Rutsey from Rush, or they're not thinking too much about (former Dream Theater vocalist) Charlie Dominici, even though these guys deserve respect."

Dream Theater released their 15th studio album, A View From The Top Of The World, on October 22. The album is available everywhere music is sold and streamed and is also available for order here.

A View From The Top Of The World tracklisting:

"The Alien" (9:32)
"Answering The Call" (7:35)
"Invisible Monster" (6:31)
"Sleeping Giant" (10:05)
"Transcending Time" (6:25)
"Awaken The Master" (9:47)
"A View From The Top Of The World" (20:24)

“Awaken The Master” video:

"Invisible Monster" video:

“The Alien” video:

Deluxe Box Set trailer:

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