Drummer Steven Sweet On Reuniting With WARRANT - "I Really Feel Like I've Been Given A Second Chance To Re-Connect With Old Friends And Do What I Am Meant To Do"

May 11, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard warrant

WARRANT drummer Steven Sweet has a done a Q&A; with their MySpace page. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Q: Having been away from the band for a long period of time, what was the selling point for returning to the

lineup in 2004?

A: 'I've made it known that a friend of my wife's and mine who sang at our wedding was killed in an auto accident not too long after we were married. The tragedy of her passing so unexpectedly left me with the

affirmation that you never know when your time might be up and to embrace each opportunity to live your life to the fullest. My having spent so much time away from the Warrant guys gave me the space to grow as a

person and realize that everyone has to travel their own path to discovery. I had been presented with the idea of rejoining the group over the years, and decided that the time finally felt right to let go of past grievances and embrace the future. Knowing that you only go around once, I really feel like I've been given a second chance to re-connect with old friends and do what I am meant to do, which among other things, is to be a part of Warrant."

Q: Since Warrant's heyday, the internet has drastically changed the way bands are able to reach their fans. In what way do you feel that internet has been the greatest asset, and in what way has it become a nuisance?

A: "I for one had put off the whole Myspace thing because I do like my privacy and why would I want a whole bunch of relative strangers invading MY space? But as time goes on you realize it's just another tool

which enables you to reach people you otherwise would have no contact with, so it is a good thing all in all. The internet is an awesome thing. How else could you discover a strange spot on your toe and within

seconds have a diagnosis? SPAM although a tasty processed meat product to some, is a bitch to others, myself included - BIG downside. I've had to change email addresses more times than a new parent changes diapers."

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