ECHOES OF ETERNITY - "No Keyboards, No Orchestra, No Beauty And The Beast Vocals"

February 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news echoes of eternity recently caught up with ECHOES OF ETERNITY vocalist Francine Boucher to discuss the band's debut album, The Forgotten Goddess. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Live-Metal: Being from Canada, how did you originally come into contact with Brandon and join the band?

Francine: "I actually went to school in Florida, in Orlando. It’s a place called Full Sail. I was studying audio engineering and [drummer] Kirk [Carrison] and Brandon were also there, so that’s how we came into contact. We became friends because we were all just fans of metal. I was doing kind of like solo stuff. I wanted to score music for films, so I was doing this kind of Tangerine Dream-ish kind of stuff with ethereal vocals over it and he really liked the vocals, so he asked me to be in the band."

Live-Metal: Tell us a little bit about the overall sound of Echoes of Eternity, for people who don’t really know.

Francine: "Well, it’s different from most female-fronted bands in that there’s no keyboards or orchestra or opera singing or Beauty And The Beast vocals—there’s no growling. So it’s a little different. And the music is heavier, a little more aggressive, progressive, and the vocals are softer. Smooth vocals over heavy riffs. That’s kind of what we were going for."

Live-Metal: I read that the band—I guess maybe (guitarist) Brandon posted this—was trying to recreate the vibe of the Symbolic album by the band Death.

Francine: "Yeah, that’s one of his favorite albums. It’s not really the same music, per se. A lot of people have mistaken those words. It’s more of the vibe than the music."

Live-Metal: What exactly is the meaning behind the album title The Forgotten Goddess?

Francine: "Well, at first we were gonna call it Burning with Life, which is the opening intro of the album. Then this artist by the name of Wendell Pendejo, he drew art for each song and, finally, we ended up loving what he did for The Forgotten Goddess, so that one kinda ended up as the album cover. What it means is, it’s about the Sacred Feminine, which a lot of people know from The Da Vinci Code. It’s basically when old cultures, old religions used to worship a male and a female deity and it’s kind of like the yin and yang in the sense that each half needs each other to be complete, to make a whole. Also, the album cover artwork by itself, regardless of the title track, it kind of represents the music. You have the mysterious forest in the back, the statues very pretty and the blood is aggressive. So it kind of encompasses all of that, the beauty and aggression."

To read the entire interview go to this location.

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