EDDIE VAN HALEN Was Almost In Third Bill & Ted Movie

July 7, 2023, 11 months ago

news hard rock riff notes bill & ted eddie van halen

EDDIE VAN HALEN Was Almost In Third Bill & Ted Movie

Actor Alex Winter, who plays Bill S. Preston, Esq. in Bill & Ted alongside Keanu Reeves’ Ted Logan revealed in an interview on the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz that Eddie Van Halen almost appeared in 2020’s Bill & Ted: Face The Music. 

Winter says, “We asked Eddie to be in every single movie and every single movie, he said ‘no.’ We went to Eddie, and we were like, ‘Would you please, please be in the third movie?’ He’s like, ‘You know what you guys, this one I would have done,’ but he was dying at that point. He was already quite sick. He didn’t tell us that he was literally gonna pass, but he was like, ‘I’m not well and I can’t do it.’ But I really appreciate these films. We all love them. And if I wasn’t sick, I would absolutely come down to New Orleans and shoot this with you.”

Face The Music was released in theaters and video-on-demand on August 28, 2020, earning $6.3 million at the box office. The release was hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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