Exclusive: U.D.O. - Dominator, First Listen!

June 29, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news

Backstage at the Bang Your Head!!! festival in Balingen, Germany, U.D.O. (featuring former ACCEPT singer Udo Dirkschneider), the man and the band, along with AFM Records held a listening session for the forthcoming Dominator, scheduled for an August 21st release. What follows are Mark Gromen's on-the-fly, running commentary about each rack, as it played in real time. This is not intended to be a review, but a teaser, to whet fans' appetite for the next two months.

'The Bogeyman': atmospheric opening, "ah, ah", turns into a mid-tempo stomp with chorus "He is the Bogeyman. He lives inside your head. He is the Bogeyman Never will he be dead." The chorus switches channels, left to right.

'Dominator': Not about BW&BK; scribe Dom Lawson! Priestly bass-heavy start. Overall, more lively than opener. Staccatto riffs, ends with a cappella titular word.

'Black And White': slow Accept-ish intro, minimalistic. Has the sound of a hit single. Sing along chorus, easy shout for the crowd. Title phrase comprises lions share of the lyrics.

'Infected': first single EP (pictured; widget below) available with four-non-album cuts! Sped up with plenty of time for guitar elaboration.

'Heavy Metal Heaven': cannonading drums at beginning - plod pace, trying to be power metal? Vocals switch channels as Udo sings "I'm untouchable. I'm invincible." Purposeful, nearly a cappella anthemic title phrase. Not a strong song, despite the title.

'Doom Ride' has nothing to do with slow paced music. Mid-tempo, Accept-style. Solo in the left channel. "One way ticket on the doom ride."

'Stillness Of Time': piano introduced and ended. Synth strings behind the main song. Power ballad wannabe, acoustic guitar accents throughout.

'Devil's Rendezvous': laugh, then a swing beat. Gang vocal chorus of the titular phrase. Think 'Putting On The Ritz', not metal, but infectious and instantly memorable!

'Speed Demon': lives up to its name, jumping out of the speakers with 'Fast As A Shark' intensity. "Speed demon, ready for the race".

'Whispers In The Dark': piano and synth strings again introduce. Tambourine added. Pretty much a full blown ballad, although acoustic guitar heralds a pick up in fullness of sound. Never rises above a crawl, with piano evident throughout. Continues tradition of odd/unconventional ways to close an album. Fades out with piano and acoustic guitar.

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