Finland’s ODDLAND Sign With Uprising Records; New Album Out In November

June 5, 2021, 3 years ago

news heavy metal oddland

Finland’s ODDLAND Sign With Uprising Records; New Album Out In November

The melo-progressive Finnish quartet Oddland have spent the Corona-lockdown, writing their first album in 5 years, excelling in a deeper and deeper internal insight about how to expand their impressively unique sound. A hybrid between bands like Tool, Leprous, Pain Of Salvation and Soen, but with their own trademark-sound that makes Oddland stand out.

The album, with the title Vermilion is set for release through new German label Uprising Records, who spotted the band's talent and immediately signed them, upon hearing the new album. Vermilion is set for release in November 2021.

Uprising Records is a sub-division of the Danish label Target, which also houses sub-labels, such as Emanzipation, From The Vaults and Mighty Music.

Oddland toured Europe alongside Persefone in 2018, and plans are in the making, of having the band, once again, hitting the European roads as soon as Corona allows for it to happen.

(Photo by: Jarno Terho / Edit by: Wiitanen Visual Designs)

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