Former YES Drummer BILL BRUFORD - Part 4 Of We Will Rock You Interview Online

July 9, 2009, 15 years ago

news yes rock hard bill bruford

Sterling Whitaker at We Will Rock You has posted Part Four of his recent interview with legendary YES/KING CRIMSON/EARTHWORKS drummer Bill Bruford.

According to Whitaker: "In this segment we discuss surviving success; why success in the music business is repetitive by its very nature; why it’s important to manage money well; Bruford and Steve Howe’s disastrous performance of 'Roundabout' on Live With Regis and Kathie Lee and the pros and cons of mainstream television exposure; a SPINAL TAP moment when Bill’s electronic drums failed onstage at Madison Square Garden; recommended works of Bill Bruford; the freedom of jazz vs. the inherent sameness of mass entertainment; Bruford’s move from rock to jazz and why he prefers the jazz world."

Check the chat out here.

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