GEORGE LYNCH Joins Patreon, Offers "Deep Dives"

September 28, 2022, 2 years ago

news riff notes george lynch dokken

GEORGE LYNCH Joins Patreon, Offers "Deep Dives"

Guitar legend George Lynch (ex-Dokken) has joined Patreon. Sign up here.

Says Lynch: "I’m excited about opening up pieces of my world to an exclusive group of likeminded fans and friends. I look at my life as a precious gift and a collection of almost daily adventures punctuated by the ups and downs of living a life of passion, humor, hard work and drama.

You’ll ride along with me as we do deep dives:

• In the studio working on multiple recording projects , analyzing my process of song writing , capturing magic solos and rhythms in a bottle , and meeting my friends who I share my love of composing and recording

• In the Mr Scary and ESP guitar shops, building guitars and getting an inside behind the scenes view of what goes into designing and building the instruments as well as the business of guitar building.

• On tour - wether it’s traveling or walking out on stage you’ll be a fly on the wall of the most glamorous and boring part of being a professional musician

• Gear - vintage, exotic, quirky and unique gear is my lifelong passion. We’ll be A/B’ing amps, pedals, pickups, guitars, mics, speakers, etc as well as hanging out with some of the luminaries of tone questing.

• Adventure - road tripping, over landing, backpacking, man biking, motorcycles and just generally getting lost in those blank spaces on the map and waiting for the magic to happen.

• Etc.. I’m a passionate student of science, religion, philosophy and politics, the study of the human condition and search for justice, truth and meaning as well as health, family, food permeate everything In my world." 🙂

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