GLENN DANZIG On His New Horror Movie, Death Rider In The House Of Vampires - "Probably Rated R"

April 29, 2021, 3 years ago

news glenn danzig

GLENN DANZIG On His New Horror Movie, Death Rider In The House Of Vampires - "Probably Rated R"

Glenn Danzig is planning to have his new horror movie, Death Rider In The House Of Vampires, in select movie theaters across The United States this June. During a recent interview with Kory Grow of Rolling Stone, Danzig spoke about his new "gorefest", the future of the Misfits, and the potential for new music; an excerpt follows:

What is Death Rider In The House Of Vampires about?
"It’s an homage to classic vampire movies and, of course, classic Italian spaghetti Westerns. I just mixed the two genres. I didn’t think anyone would have done it before. Basically [the character] Death Rider travels to the vampire sanctuary out in the middle of the desert, and then it all goes crazy after that."

Does he know it’s a vampire sanctuary?
"Yeah, and he knows that the price of admission is a virgin. So he brings a girl on a horse."

Verotika was unrated. Will Death Rider be unrated too?
"Death Rider will be probably rated R. Look, I don’t even care about the rating system. I think it’s all out the window. Kids can go online and see the most sick shit in the world. All there is, is a little disclaimer that says you are over 18, and you click on it [laughs]. In 2021, we’re talking about a rating system? It’s ridiculous. Look, I remember when Dawn Of The Dead came out, it got rated V for violence, or it was unrated. In other words, they gave it an NC-17 kind of rating, and it didn’t stop people from going to see it."

Is the Misfits reunion done?
"I don’t know. I mean, right now, something like a Misfits show would have to be in a bigger place. And I don’t know that those places are open yet. So we’ll see. I mean, the door is open. If we do it, I would like to play some places we haven’t played yet, Texas or Florida or places like that. We haven’t done any shows in those states, and those states are fully open."

Have you been working on any new music in the last year?
"You know, with people thinking they can download your record for free and all of that stuff, it gets to the point where you’re just like, 'Why am I going to do a new record? People are just going to steal it. It’s going to cost me money to make it. Am I going to make any money back?' I love doing music, but if I spend a ton of money doing a record and it just gets downloaded for free and people steal it, what’s the point?

That sounds like a “no.”
"Probably a no. I mean, we’ll see. Maybe I’ll just go in and do a song or two and give it away for free or something, I don’t know. It doesn’t cost too much, but for the most part, I think all these people who just decided that, you know, 'Fuck the bands, I’m going to get this for free,' well, your bands are probably not going to put out new music.

To read the complete interview, click here.

Not only does Glenn Danzig portray the character Bad Bathory in Death Rider In The House Of Vampires, he wrote and directed the film, provided the musical soundtrack, and served as one of the movie's executive producers, in addition to working on the cinematography and editing.

Film cast:

Devon Sawa - Death Rider
Danny Trejo - Bela Latigo
Julian Sands - Count Holiday
Kim Director - Carmilla Joe
Kansas Bowling – Rider's Dead Sister
Victor DiMattia - Kid Vlad
Glenn Danzig - Bad Bathory
Ashley Wisdom - Mina Belle
Yulia Klass - Mircarla Mae



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