GOD OF ATHEISTS’s Asgeir Mickelson - "If I Get A Decent Deal I'll Have The Album Out Before Summer"

November 18, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news god of atheists

GOD OF ATHEISTS - Asgeir Mickelson's (ex-BORKNAGAR) extreme metal project with Trym (ex-EMPEROR) on drums, ICS Vortex (ex-DIMMU BORGIR, Borknagar) on vocals, Ihsahn (ex-Emperor) on keyboards and Carl A. Tidemann (ex-ARCTURUS, WINDS) on solos – have issueds the following update:

“I want to welcome the 250 new members of this page today - and hello again to the old ones! I assume many of you liked the news today about Ihsahn joining the project. In fact he agreed to play on it close to three years ago, but I've had a few speed bumps in my life along the way, so he didn't get the songs until maybe two months ago and, well, I'm not the fastest on this planet either...

The project is coming along fine right now. Ihsahn is working on the third song, Tideman is recording his neck breaking solos in January, bass player recording his parts around Christmas (you'll know who when we start recording. Rest assured - he's awesome! And, no, it's not Santa Claus), Vortex is eagerly waiting to record the vocals but I have to finish the damn lyrics first. I am a slow writer too (surprise), I am half way into it and quite happy with how vicious it's turning out (psychologically vicious, not blood gore vicious). It will be about 40% clean and 60% grim vocals. Some song titles are ‘The Sapient's Error’, ‘Fountain of Emptiness’, ‘Cataclysm’, and (probably) ‘I am God’. These titles might change along the way but it's where I'm at right now.

Except for the two songs I wrote for the last SARKE album I am totally aware of the fact that you guys only know me as a drummer, so all I can say is that you'll just have to wait and judge for yourself if I'm capable as a song writer and guitarist too. Some of the songs were the most challenging stuff Trym has ever recorded on drums, so the only thing I can promise is that God Of Atheists is no commercial soft shit! If I get a decent deal I'll have the album out before summer.”

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