Guitarist Carlos Cavazo - "I Seem To Fit In Better With RATT Than I Ever Did In QUIET RIOT"

March 15, 2010, 14 years ago

quiet riot news rock hard ratt

RATT guitarist Carlos Cavazo (ex-QUIET RIOT) spoke with recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Sleaze Roxx: Shortly after John Corabi left Ratt your name was mentioned as a potential replacement. How did you land the gig and did you have to audition?

Carlos Cavazo: "I did go through an audition process. I think the guys just wanted to check me out, as you can probably guess I got to know the guys during my time in Quiet Riot. Anyway, they just wanted to see what I looked like these days. I hadn't seen them in about ten years and I could have been 500 pounds for all they knew. Funny story about the audition, as I wrapped my audition the first day George Lynch and Zakk Wylde were in the studio too! I thought they were there to audition. We were trying to keep it quiet that I was auditioning and I run into those guys. As it turned out they were there rehearsing with their respective bands and they happen to be there at the same time as us."

Sleaze Roxx: Did you have to think twice about getting involved with Ratt?

Carlos Cavazo: "Not really, I mean I know there's problems coming into a band that has been around for twenty plus years. To be honest I was actually hoping that I'd be picked up by a band from the same era as Quiet Riot. In my mind it would be a great fit to be in a band with guys that are from my era and my group. There's really no problems, I seem to fit in better with Ratt than I ever did in Quiet Riot I think. To tell you the truth there are way less problems in this band than with Quiet Riot."

Sleaze Roxx: Quiet Riot and Ratt came up around the same time, where you friendly with them? They were the competition after all.

Carlos Cavazo: "Yeah, I met Robbin Crosby and got to know him way before I got to know any of the other guys oddly enough. I used to hang out with Stephen Pearcy a lot in the '80s, I didn't meet Warren DeMartini until the early '90s I think. Warren was actually the guy that called me about the vacancy. He got my number from Vinnie Appice at some club in L.A. that they hung out at. So I knew all the guys and got to know them throughout the years."

Sleaze Roxx: What's your current relationship with Frankie Banali and Rudy Sarzo?

Carlos Cavazo: "I've always had a great relationship with Rudy, I love Rudy, he's like my best friend. I had a falling out with Frankie and Kevin DuBrow there at the end, and Rudy as well. I don't wish anyone any ill will, they've been my friends for 25 years, they're like my family for half my life. I just felt, for me, it was time to move on. I hadn't spoken to this guys... I hadn't spoke to Kevin for four years prior to his death. Last I spoke with Frankie was at Kevin's funeral service, we're not on a speaking terms Frankie and I. I do wish him the best you know."

Check out a review of Ratt's new album, Infestation, at this location.

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