IRON MAIDEN React To Boycott Sharon Initiative

September 20, 2005, 19 years ago

hot flashes news iron maiden

The following update has been posted at the IRON MAIDEN fan site

After the unfortunate incidents at the last Maiden appearance at Ozzfest, fans put up a website looking to send Sharon Osbourne and the Ozzfest sponsors a letter to let them know how they felt.

Here's how Sanctuary music reacted:

"I just got a call from someone at Sanctuary music. They and the band are aware of the project and are floored by the effort put forth by their fans. However, they want to put this thing behind them and they have requested that the money raised be given to the Red Cross for Katrina relief.

I myself felt awkward promoting this in the aftermath of Katrina, but felt justified due to the good cause of the Clive Burr M.S. Trust. Iron Maiden's fundraising gig at the Hammersmith on September 2nd was a huge success for the Clive Trust thereby negating the immediate need for donations.

I respect the wishes of the band and their management. I also respect how they have taken the high road in every instance in regards to the events of Ozzfest.

I still feel impassioned about getting the word to Sharon that her behavior was unacceptable. I am therefore going to write up the letter to her, and mail it directly to her offices and to all of the sponsors of Ozzfest with my signature and the ones who donated.

Thank you to all who donated, thank you to all who emailed, thank you to all who cared. Every cent of the donations will be given over immediately to the Red Cross. If I can, I will donate it in Clive's name.

John Farrell."

Shows how much class the band has.

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