JOE STUMP To Release Shred Guitar 101 DVD In Early 2012; New Solo Album Forthcoming

December 30, 2011, 12 years ago

news joe stump riff notes dvd

Guitar shredder JOE STUMP (HOLYHELL, REIGN OF TERROR) has issued the following update:

"Hey, Happy Holidays to everyone! Just a quick update before the year ends. I’ve finished my new instructional DVD, entitled Shred Guitar 101. I think it’ll be very useful learning tool for players on many levels and it’ll be released by the Shred Academy early next year.

I’ve also finished my new solo record (also to be released next year). It’s all recorded, mixed, and I’ll be sending it off to be mastered within a week or so. It came out killer - my best sounding record, both sonically and playing-wise. I’ll release the title and tracklisting, as well as some small audio samples of a few of the tracks, after I get back the finished master.

Over the next few months, I’ll start recording guitars for the new HolyHell record. So next year will be a very busy year touring-wise with both HolyHell and my solo bit."

Updates to follow.

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