JOHN CORABI - “I Didn’t Want To Be The Guy Who Goes Down In History As Being The Replacement Singer For All These Enigmatic Front Men”

January 30, 2013, 11 years ago

news rock hard john corabi

The Great Southern BrainFart recently conducted an interview with vocalist JOHN CORABI (ex-MÖTLEY CRÜE, SCREAM). In the interview Corabi talks about his time with Mötley Crüe and other projects. Excerpts can be found below:

The Great Southern BrainFart: I’ve been a fan of yours ever since The Scream album Let It Scream came out in 1991. When that album came out, did you know it was going to make as much of an impact on people as it ended up making?

John Corabi: “A lot of people I talk to want to sit down and ask me, ‘Did you sit down and write music with that sound in mind?’ We didn’t even think about what the songs were going to sound like. We just loved the riffs, we loved performing them, and we were just excited about what was coming up around the next corner every day. We were just a kind of blues driven band that had a guitar player who was as good as any other guitarist out there. I can’t really explain it. It was just reckless abandonment and we just did what we wanted to do. When we were doing The Scream album, we were just so fucking excited, young, and green behind the ears. Then you throw Eddie Kramer into the mix who was a huge producer who worked with all the bands we grew up listening to. We were just happier than pigs in shit to be there.”

The Great Southern BrainFart: Your fans have been waiting a long time for your debut solo album. Did you feel like it was a risky move making your first solo album an acoustic album?

John Corabi: “I know it’s a bit of a risk after all these years of me talking about doing a solo record and the first one out is an acoustic record. I just wanted to do something different. I don’t like doing what people would expect of me. I just really wanted to expand my horizons and think outside of the box. I want to show people that I’m not just that guy who can get out there and scream ‘Hooligan’s Holiday’ and ‘Smoke The Sky’. I’m a songwriter and I’m more than just a screamer. My fans have been very supportive of me for 25 years but maybe I’ll pick up some new fans that necessarily wouldn’t be apt to buy a Mötley Crüe record, a UNION record, or even a Scream record.”

The Great Southern BrainFart: Were you a fan of Motley Crue at all before joining them?

John Corabi: “I knew a few of their songs like the ones that I’d heard on MTV or the radio. Honestly, I can’t say that I was fan. I went in there not knowing if it was going to work or not. I will say that by the end of the first week that I was with them we pretty much had ‘Hammered’ and ‘Misunderstood’ written. The writing sessions and the demo sessions for that record were pretty unreal.”

Read the entire interview at this location.

Corabi’s new album Unplugged is available now via Rat Pak Records. It consists of five new original tracks, seven re-recorded classic songs and in addition, features an exclusive 2012 behind-the-scenes interview with John.

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