K.K. DOWNING On KK'S PRIEST Debut Album - "Sermons Of The Sinner Is Me Going Back To What JUDAS PRIEST Does Best"

October 9, 2021, 2 years ago

news kk's priest k.k. downing judas priest heavy metal

K.K. DOWNING On KK'S PRIEST Debut Album - "Sermons Of The Sinner Is Me Going Back To What JUDAS PRIEST Does Best"

Speaking with Classic Rock, former Judas Priest guitarist K.K. Downing discussed his new band, KK's Priest, and the making of the band's debut album, Sermons Of The Sinner. Following is an excerpt:

Classic Rock: Did you consider any singers other than Ripper Owens? 

Downing: "No, no. I was really hopeful that Ripper would want the gig. I don’t know what we’d have done had he said no." 

Classic Rock: With him having been "let go" to bring Rob Halford back, was it a difficult conversation? 

Downing: "No. We had remained in touch. What happened was just an unfortunate set of circumstances. He’s such a great vocalist, and fans know that there’s usually one voice associated with one band: Klaus (Meine) is the voice of Scorpions, just as Bruce (Dickinson) is the voice of Maiden, and Dave (Lee Roth) will always be the voice of Van Halen because I saw them with him first. That is what happened with Priest. We did a couple of albums with Ripper, and maybe if we had written a different type of material things might not have turned out the way they did."

Classic Rock: What does Sermons Of The Sinner have that the Jugulator and Demolition albums didn’t? 

Downing: "It has elements of classic Judas Priest. When we brought in Ripper, the writing took a different turn. Those albums were different to anything before or after. Sermons is me going back to what Judas Priest does best." 

Read the complete interview here.

KK's Priest, the band comprised of renowned former Judas Priest guitarist, K.K. Downing and former vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens, have released their album, Sermons Of The Sinner, via Explorer1 Music Group/EX1 Records. In celebration, the band have released a video for the song, "Return Of The Sentinel". Watch below, and order the new album here. The album is also available via all global digital streaming partners.

KK’s Priest also features Tony Newton (Voodoo Six) on bass, A.J. Mills (Hostile) on guitar and Sean Elg (DeathRiders/Cage) on drums. Original drummer, Les Binks, unfortunately sustained a wrist injury, but will make special guest live appearances when the band tours.


"Hellfire Thunderbolt"
"Sermons Of The Sinner"
"Sacerdote Y Diablo"
"Raise Your Fists"
"Brothers Of The Road"
"Metal Through And Through"
"Wild And Free"
"Hail For The Priest"
"Return Of The Sentinel"

"Return Of The Sentinel" video:

“Raise Your Fists” video:

"Brothers Of The Road":

"Sermons Of The Sinner" video:

"Hellfire Thunderbolt" video:

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