Kam Lee, Curt Beeson Leave DENIAL FIEND

January 10, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news denial fiend

MASSACRE's Kam Lee (BONE GNAWER, ex-DEATH) has sent Voicesfromthedarkside.de the following update:

"DENIAL FIEND was set up to release our follow up to the debut, an EP - to be called Dead Beginings - that would have had two new songs - plus 3 cover tunes. Those songs being: 'C.H.U.D.' and 'The Blood Reaping' and the cover songs being: 'Slow Death' by THE ACCUSED, 'Die Hard' by VENOM and 'Unbridled' by SAMHAIN. Everything was recorded. I had everything set up and ready to go... I had the artist Irwan from Ironworx Grafix do a fantastic full color cover. It was a great piece with a horde of zombies all over the entire cover - and in the middle of the frey was a female zombie giving birth to an undead baby! It was so fucking perfect - but the art was rejected by Sam (Williams - guitar) for a stupid reason (because his wife gave birth just recently with his own kids, so I guess he was sensitive about the subject matter). I'm not sure if this was the case or not... but I feel it was just another contributing reason of why the band fell apart... another case of me having to compromise my ideas and themes - in order to appease that band member... Fuck that! Either follow my lead and trust in my vision... or get the fuck out. But to "use me" - lie to me... tell me that 'Yeah - yeah, I like it... I'm behind you 100%' - but then turn around and 'freak out' because my theme or material may conflict with your personal fucking beliefs or rub against your morals the wrong way... that's fucked up! Denial Fiend turned into a year long headache and a problem for me in 2008. It all started out as a great idea in late 2004, that got off going to a good start in 2005 - and was working up thru 2006 and 2007, but one we toured with the band for and as Massacre Re-Animated in late 2007, and then we did those festivals last year in 2008... it got worse and worse! With the band members moving apart from Sam... to the point that Sam wouldn't even hang out with any of us in the end. So why not just 'kick' Sam out of the band and keep the band going? Well - that's the question I keep hearing mostly from fans and friends. But as I said before - it's the "politics" behind it... see Sam wrote all the music with the exception of my songs: 'Let The Blood Flow' and 'Ripped Inside Out' and 'L.O.D.' - so he musically owns about 85% of the material, also he considers himself 'the leader', according to him... it's 'his band' - it was never 'our band' - and that kind of 'rock star' bullshit is the stuff I can never work with. I had to deal with it in the past with my other bands - in Death and in Massacre - and let me tell you this. It's always the fucking 'guitar players' that start this petty fucking bullshit! Always the guitarist! I always seem to end up getting fucked in bands - because I'm always too trusting for one, and also too bullheaded myself for two! I trust band members way too easy with following 'my vision - my ideas - my themes and my lead' - only to latter find out that they bull shitted their way into making me think they had my back, that they stood for the same thing - and had in mind the same ideas. I get this many many times... because honestly I find that about 90% of the people in death metal/black metal/grind-core or all types of extreme music are really just a bunch of fucking posers and fucking wimps... they don't even really follow the scene... they don't support the bands, they don't like or even watch horror and gore... they just latched themselves onto the music and scene like some parasitic worm... eating away at it from the inside... gourging themselves on all it's rewards - while infecting the scene at the sametime with their vile infection of trendiness and wimpiness! Ha-ha! That's why I love working with Rogga from Bone Gnawer! I know for a fact that he is "true" and that he follows the scene... he is a horror fan... and he knows his death metal! All the members of Bone Gnawer are 100% behind the band... the vision... the scene and the horror of it all!"

The following comes directly from Curt Beeson's (LOWBROW, FESTER, NASTY SAVAGE MySpace blog:

"Wow! I haven't done this in a while, but there are some things that need to be stated, so I will start stating. I no longer play drums for Denial Fiend. Kam Lee no longer sings for Denial Fiend, this is true, Kam filled me in a few things that I knew way back when we played Wacken, but it is odd that I don't hear from the band for months and exactly one day after I post a message saying I left Denial Fiend I get calls from the band! Don't think you're not getting through to me, I just don't care to hear from you now, it is that simple, so save your 35 cents and call someone who cares. It never ceases to amaze me how you can get a real good band together that has real promise and talent, and gets to see the world and do a job that I think is the best job in the world, only to have it destroyed by greed and egos. I mean how much money do you have to have, that you would be willing to fuck your band mates and shit can your band! No matter what Denial Fiend attempts to do it will be an abortion so save your money and go see a real band like END UNSEEN, a band of dudes who do nothing but End Unseen. No projects here. I also hear I have a contract that I have yet to see but a verbal contract holds up in court so we will see what the judge will say to that. So good luck with your band but if you think it's gonna fly you really are a Denial Fiend!"

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