KHANDRA Issue Title Track From Upcoming All Occupied By Sole Death Album

April 20, 2021, 3 years ago

news black death khandra

KHANDRA Issue Title Track From Upcoming All Occupied By Sole Death Album

Belarusian black metal entity Khandra will be releasing its new full-length, All Occupied By Sole Death, via Season of Mist Underground Activists on May 28. New single for the title track is streaming below. Preorder here.

Characterized by aggressiveness, dissonance and by creating a strong sense of atmosphere, the band’s third assault seamlessly fits in with the wave of black metal fronted by Mgła and Blaze Of Perdition.  

Cover art by Chris Kielsing (Misantropic Art):


“Mute Moleben”
“Irrigating Lethal Acres With Blood”
“Nothing But Immortality For Aye”
“In Harvest Against The Sun”
“With The Blessing Of Starless Night”
“All Occupied By Sole Death”

"All Occupied By Sole Death" lyric video:

“Irrigating Lethal Acres With Blood”:

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