KISS And The Story Behind The Lost 1970s Authorized Biography; Video

November 29, 2022, a year ago

news hard rock rarities kiss three sides of the coin

KISS And The Story Behind The Lost 1970s Authorized Biography; Video

Episode #504 of the Three Sides Of The Coin podcast is available for streaming below.

A message states: "This episode is a rock 'n' roll geeks dream! We are joined by author David Leaf who discusses his 1970s authorized KISS biography that was written and then shelved. Only to reappear decades later as part of the KISS: Behind The Mask - The Official Authorized Biography. Why was his original book shelved and how did it end up in Behind The Mask? Then the discussion turns to Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys… The Beatles and Paul McCartney… Charles Manson as we discuss David’s new book, God Only Knows: The Story Of Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys and the California Myth."

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