LAMB OF GOD's Randy Blythe - "I Fought The 14-foot Ninja Every Day"

February 16, 2012, 12 years ago

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LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe was recently interviewed by Kory Grow at Spin magazine, an excerpt follows:

Anybody who gets into music to make a million dollars is in it for all the wrong reasons.

"I'm not a millionaire and that's not a goal of mine and I don't give a fuck. Even if I'm playing to, say, five kids in the middle of nowhere, it's a very visceral moment of connection that most people don't get to experience in their lives. If you want to be what you are, truly, then you have to be patient. And you have to be willing to put up with some unpleasant things and suffer. I did."

I am a bona fide, dyed-in-the-wool, hard-core, cutthroat alcoholic.

"I drank for a good 20 years. A year or two ago, I'd had enough and got sober. I always thought nothing could ever beat me. But drinking beat me into a state of submission. I tend to think of drinking like this: If my neighbor was a 14-foot-tall giant ninja, and I woke up every morning, walked outside, and said, 'Hi, Fred the ninja, how are you doing?' And he's like, 'Oh hey, Randy, how are you doing?' And then if I rear off and kick him right in the balls, he's going to beat my fucking ass. I did that every single day — I fought the 14-foot ninja every day — and I got my ass kicked every day. I can tell you from personal experience, if you're an alcoholic, you are most definitely fucked. It's never gonna get any better. Talk to somebody else who got sober. That's what I did. I wouldn't go to an orthodontist for back surgery, and I'm not going to go to someone who's never been an alcoholic to ask for advice on how to quit drinking."

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

In live news, Lamb Of God perform next on February 18th in Manila, Philippines. Their complete tour schedule is available at this location.

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