Las Vegas Mayor Proclaims August 27th As SIN CITY SINNERS Day

April 19, 2014, 10 years ago

news rock hard sin city sinners

August 27th, 2014, will mark the eight-year anniversary of "the hardest working band in Vegas" SIN CITY SINNERS. To honor and celebrate this occasion Carolyn G. Goodman, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas has officially proclaimed the date Sin City Sinners Day. The band is preparing a major All Star celebration, in addition to working on a new original record.

I Carolyn G. Goodman,

Mayor of The City of Las Vegas

Do Hereby Proclaim

August 27, 2014 as Sin City Sinners Day. In the city of Las Vegas and ask all citizens to recognizing Sin City Sinners for charitable impact they have made in the community, raising nearly $1,000,000 and being at the forefront of Las Vegas' burgeoning music scene by bringing attention to the city's numerous entertainment establishments.

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