LEE AARON Guitarist SEAN KELLY Reflects On Touring With ALICE COOPER - "The Experience Prepared Me For The Things That Followed"

April 23, 2021, 3 years ago

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LEE AARON Guitarist SEAN KELLY Reflects On Touring With ALICE COOPER - "The Experience Prepared Me For The Things That Followed"

Guitarist Sean Kelly (Lee Aaron, Helix, Coney Hatch, Trapper, Gilby Clarke, Crash Kelly) published his first book, Metal On Ice, in 2013 via Dundurn Press. Subtitled, Tales From Canada's Hard Rock And Heavy Metal Heroes, it offered a new perspective on the dreams of musicians shooting for an American ideal of success and discovering a uniquely Canadian voice in the process. 

Now in 2021, Sean Kelly is hard at work on his next, as yet untitled book. The Toronto native has checked in with the following update:

"I'm deep into writing my second book, and I'm in a very reflective state of mind. I've been blessed with a wonderful career. Incredibly lucky. I'm so grateful for the influence of artists like Alice Cooper. He and his crew were so generous to us on this tour, and the experience prepared me for the things that followed. I can't describe the thrill of playing night after night with this legend, and the great guys who made up the Crash Kelly band at the time. Pictured here with me and Alice are Jordan Sane and Kevin Taylor from that lineup."

Following is Kelly's announcement that he is following up Metal On Ice:

"I am currently in the midst of writing my second book, and it has really filled me with a sense of what I value in music, and in life in general. I can't tell you how fortunate and blessed I feel to have the opportunity to play the music I love both WITH and FOR good friends. Artist and audience really are two sides of the same coin, and the friendships I've been honoured with are the great reward for this lifelong pursuit. These have been difficult times, but they have also been very fruitful in terms of creativity. I just wanted to send a note of gratitude to all of my friends out there who share the love of music with me. I truly hope that the wealth of incredibly talented young artists out there find a similar satisfaction in their own pursuits. To borrow a line from Kim and Pye, music is the luck of friends!"

Metal On Ice is still available via Amazon or Dundurn.

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