LINDSAY SCHOOLCRAFT - "When I Found A PERFECT CIRCLE, They Really Had A Long Lasting Impact On Me"

July 26, 2021, 2 years ago

news lindsay schoolcraft cradle of filth a perfect circle tool heavy metal

LINDSAY SCHOOLCRAFT - "When I Found A PERFECT CIRCLE, They Really Had A Long Lasting Impact On Me"

Former Cradle Of Filth backing vocalist / keyboardist turned solo artist and singer for Antiqva, Lindsay Schoolcraft, recently revealed the five albums that changed her life to Roppongi Rocks. Following is an excerpt from the rundown.

Evanescence - The Open Door (2006)

Lindsay: "I’m sure a lot of people reading this right now are shocked over the fact that I didn’t put Fallen here. While that album was heavily influential on me, nothing lit a fire under my ass more than The Open Door in regards to taking my musical education seriously. I could probably sing and play this album on piano backwards and forwards in my sleep. I feel like Amy really got to show us the darkling inside of her on this one. She boldly took us to different keys signatures and chords that made what I feel is their darkest album to date. And while this album wasn’t fully embraced by the general fanbase, I know it really touched the hearts of a lot of the fan base’s musician fans like myself. You can’t deny that the string, piano, organ and choir work on this album are some of the most well thought out and crafted pieces in their discography. Not over the top, but straightforward, dramatic, and vulnerable."

A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (2003)

Lindsay: "I feel like I just missed the Tool train when I was in high school. I wasn’t mature enough to appreciate them. But when I found A Perfect Circle, they really had a long-lasting impact on me. I had no idea this album was a concept around the twelve steps of recovery, but I knew I loved it because it was a journey from beginning to end that I could go on and I carefully listened to the story in each one. I’m just a really emotional person who likes to process things slowly and really feel my experiences through and this was the perfect album to do that to, especially during the pains of my twenties. I also really love Maynard’s voice and all the gorgeous soundscapes and production this album has to offer."

Read Lindsay's complete rundown here.

Lindsay's debut solo album, Martyr, is available for streaming via Spotify here. Purchase physical copies of the album at

The limited edition storybook digipack version of the album includes extra pages in the booklet that tell the tale of the album’s beginnings and a page signed by Lindsay. Each copy is auto-numbered and will not be printed again. It is limited to 500 copies.


"Dangerous Game"
"Into The Night"
"Blood From A Stone"
"See The Light" (feat. Xenoyr)
"Where I Fall"
"My Way Without You"

Bonus tracks:
"Warn Me"

Martyr was co-written with former Evanescence drummer Rocky Gray.

For further details, visit Lindsay Schoolcraft on Facebook.

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